

Nikko Bovornkeeratiroj

Teaching Assistant:

Dave Dirnfeld


U. Course Assistants:


<aside> 💡 This is a front page for the course. All details are available on our class' Canvas site.


Operating Systems

In this course we examine the important problems in operating system design and implementation. The operating system provides a well-known, convenient, and efficient interface between user programs and the bare hardware of the computer on which they run. The operating system is responsible for allowing resources (e.g., disks, networks, and processors) to be shared, providing common services needed by many different programs (e.g., file service, the ability to start or stop processes, and access to the printer), and protecting individual programs from one another. The course will start with a brief historical perspective of the evolution of operating systems over the last fifty years, and then cover the major components of most operating systems. This discussion will cover the tradeoffs that can be made between performance and functionality during the design and implementation of an operating system. Particular emphasis will be given to three major OS subsystems: process management (processes, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, and deadlock), memory management (segmentation, paging, swapping), file systems, and operating system support for distributed systems.

This course is very hands-on. You will gain substantial knowledge from the projects and labs. So it is good to be prepared to invest considerable time in the assignments. :)

Semester Dates: Jan 30 - May 9, 2025

COMPSCI 377-01 (28799) Operating Systems (Lecture) Tu/Th 1:00PM - 2:15PM South College Room W245

COMPSCI 377-01AA (28800) Operating Systems (Discussion) Mo 9:05AM - 9:55AM Ag. Engineering Bldg rm 119


Syllabus (Spring 2025)


